Monday, November 2, 2009

Two Months Tomorrow

Alexandra - now 8 weeks old - has her two month appointment on Wednesday. It seems like an eternity has gone by since I last posted - not that I've done all that much, just that I have been so removed from computer-land. Alex is asleep on my lap right now and I'm loving every second of it.
The pharmacist asked me tonight how my babies were. :o(
Danielle was amazing. I told her that I loved her all the time. Dr. Anderson reminded me that there aren't many people who can say that they've been loved every single day of their life. Danielle was loved SO much and she loved SO very much in return. I think that how she lived and for as long as she lived tells us all how much she loved us. I'm so grateful that I was able to spend those beautiful crazy eight days with her and I'm also grateful for all of you and your support and love.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Pray for Danielle

This is a picture that the nurses in the NICU took of the babies - Danielle on the right, Alexandra on the left. The girls are seven days old today!
Danielle needs everyone to pray for her so that she can feel the peace she needs to be able to let go and go home to Heavenly Father. Thanks to everyone who has been praying for us. I love you all very much.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Not long now

Today's the day, my loves.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Baby Shower

Bobby's daughters and daughter-in-laws and Becky came over last night and threw me a baby shower. It was a blast. They were too kind and way too generous. I had the girls bet on how much the babies will weigh. I'm hoping for five pounders myself - we'll see who is closest. Feel free to place your bets before it's too late. It's just 20 hours away now (they're supposed to be taking me in at 9:30 tomorrow morning)!! Unbelievable that it's so close finally.
Valarie hopes for a couple of blonde/blue eyed sisters. Bobby assures me that the babies will have hair and that they'll have blue eyes (Valarie was a baldy). Soon we'll know!!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Time on my hands

I have now completed blankets for all three of my girls! Danielle's is pink with green and Alexandra's is green with pink. Valarie's is also green with pink but a lot bigger. I have also made several little hats for the babies - thanks to Dr. Anderson's sweet wife for showing me how.
Yesterday was the last day I had with Tammy. Tammy has been there for me since my first day in the hospital - eight weeks ago. She has helped me keep my sanity more than any other nurse. The days Tammy took care of me were my funnest days. I will miss her! But not too much because her son Parker is Val's age and goes to the same school; so I'll still get to see her.
Roshannah came to visit me today! What a fun surprise!! And she brought me Reese's PB cups! Wooo-hooo!! I needed me some more of them. :o)

Friday, August 28, 2009

To my baby girls

What a miracle you have been!! From the time I found out about you on March 31st (11 weeks) to now - 33 weeks - so many wonderful things have happened in my life. I only dreamt that we would make it this far together. And here we are. I am in awe of the wonderful blessings you have brought into my life. Your Daddy and I have never been closer. Valarie can't wait to see you. My neighbors who I used to take for granted have become great friends and confidants. Some people say that it is not until you have to go through something really hard that you find out who your true friends are. If that is true, then I had no idea how many friends I truly had. So many people care about you and hope and pray for the best for you. We all love you very much and can't wait to see you and hold you once you are born. Life is a beautiful thing - with all of it's ups and downs. Like I've said before, I'm the luckiest to have been blessed with you precious babies.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

One Week Left!

I don't know how many of you remember the movie, Airplane, but I remember it fondly. There's a lady in the movie who gets a bit hysterical when they encounter problems in flight. A whole line of people wait for their chance to try to get her to calm down - some with their fists, others with bats and belts. It's pretty funny because it's not real but, in my current situation, that's about how I feel at times. I need a whole line of people to get me to calm down and relax and wait the seven days I have left to wait to see these babies. I must say, the hospital hasn't been that bad but it hasn't been that great either. I've been glad that I haven't had to deal with the extreme heat of the summer. A few of you have first hand experience with how batty I got with the little heat I had to endure prior to being in the hospital. I'm glad too that I haven't had to do the daily chores around the house at home. That was getting hard to keep up with. I have to admit my jealousy though of people outside walking or running along. They don't know how lucky they are to not have to be strapped to a hospital bed 7/24 (as Steve would say). A few friends from work stopped by yesterday to surprise me with a visit. It was great to see them and to feel of their friendship. Afterwards, Aynn, my professional photographer :o), stopped by for a photo shoot. We had fun trying to take pregnant pictures of me. I'm grateful for her and for her enthusiasm. As for this last week with my little girls growing inside me - I feel happiness that we've made it this far and sorrow that I'm going to have to let them go on their own. Being pregnant is a wonderful experience. You're never as close to another person. I can remember being sad that I wouldn't be pregnant with Valarie very much longer (that was before her due date and the ensuing two weeks that passed after her due date that I still waited for her to come). I remember thinking that I'd never again be able to be as close to her as I was then. Now, with this pregnancy and all of it's surprises, I am again sad to lose the closeness - more so now because I know what my babies face once they're born. In a lot of ways, I'm not ready to let them go even though I know that I must. If I could, I'd hold onto them forever.

Sunday, August 23, 2009


My mom gave that nickname to Valarie a long time ago - it started with Twinkle Toes and then got abbreviated to just Twinks. Twinks has been having a fun time in the Sixth Grade. She gets herself up in the morning, gets ready, and then walks to school with a friend. And she's always early. Heaven forbid what would happen if she wasn't at least a half hour early to school. I'm glad that she's so independent but I don't know where she gets it from...I mean, there's no way I was ever early to school. I was always pushing it so that I just barely made it on time. Minutes more sleep in the morning before school were like precious hours to me.
Britney took pictures of Val for me on her first day of school. She and her kids, Amelia, Sydney, Grady and Ainsley, brought them to me yesterday. They were sooo adorable. Each one of the big kids had something for me - a delicious slushy from Sonic, a plate full of home-baked sugar cookies (the BEST in the world - just ask Bobby, who btw is jealous and will be coming later today to have some) and the CD with the pictures on it from handsome Grady. It was great to see them. They are my angel neighbors. I am the luckiest to have them in my life.
Susan and Aubrey came yesterday too. They brought me the most adorable little bear and blankets for the girls that Susan had made. Susan has been holding down the fort for me at work. Aubrey is due two weeks before me and looks as if it could be her carrying twins instead of me - that's a compliment, btw. One of my nurses told me the other day that I don't look like I'm pregnant with twins - more like I've just got a gut. It makes me sad because I want these babies to be as big as they possibly can be and, if that means that I look as big as a house, then so be it. But even Jer said it later last night when he, Clysti and the kids came, you just don't look very big for having twins and being almost eight months pregnant. He said it was a compliment and I'm not holding it against him. You be the judge.

Ever since Friday morning (just after midnight), the babies have been giving me fits. They must have known that Friday was 32 weeks for them and that my OB was out of town for a few days because it's been scary listening and watching their heartbeats. My doctor is back now and he says that everything is fine and not to worry. So there you go. I'm not supposed to overreact over their heart beats going low unless it's for like eight or ten minutes. Let me tell you, that's easier said than done.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Val's first day of Sixth Grade

This is Val last year on the first day of 5th grade Every year on Val's first day of school, I take the day off of work and stay home to take her to school, make her chocolate chip cookies (like my mom did for me all through school - even college!), and pick her up from school. It's a bit of a tradition and I love traditions.
So today is VERY hard for me and Valarie. She's bearing it tolerably well, I'm sure - it's just her mom who is struggling. Thank goodness Bobby got home last night! I know that she said that she'd be fine with Boonge home but Val likes it when at least one of the two of us is home. Valarie has always been extremely independent (except for that first year and a half of life that she spent glued to my left hip). She gets up on her own for school, does her own hair (good luck convincing her to let you try), and assures me that I don't need to worry and that everything's going to be just fine. I remember her telling me one time (from her car seat in the back), "Mom, BE-lax!!" I guess I've always been a little high strung.
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Monday, August 17, 2009

Yin and Yang

According to the latest ultrasound, this is the position of the babies - Alexandra in white and Danielle in black. True to form, Alexandra's been good and Danielle's been my problem child. Her heartbeat sunk low last night - not way low, but not normal either. This prompted a team of nurses to rush in to my room and start feverishly working on trying to do whatever they could to get Danielle's heart rate back up. All of a sudden, I was rolled to my left side and propped up by rolled blankets, breathing in oxygen and watching the flurry of activity that was taking place all around me. Poor little Val wasn't sure what was going on and I worried for her so I called Bay to come and get her so she could get some sleep. While Val was getting ready to go, she said, "Mom, don't call Bob. I think this would stress him out too much." And then she started crying. Poor little girl. She didn't want the babies to have to come so soon. Thankfully, they didn't have to and they are doing great today. My doctor, who is the best doctor any gal could have, got me a massage. I'm telling you, I lucked out in getting him. My massage is supposed to begin shortly. I'm super excited. I'll let you know how it turns out. :o)

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Seven Years Today

This is a picture from our trip to Vegas in April 2008
Seven years ago today Bobby and I went out on our first date. Sure, we'd known each other for a while before then but it wasn't until our date that I realized how incredible Bobby was. We met at his house and took his truck down to a place down by the dunes. We went four wheeling first (that was my first time on a four-wheeler and it was awesome). When we got back to the truck, Bobby put together a barbecue that Jeremy had given him and we cooked up some Wrangler hot dogs (another first for me); we ate grapes, listened to music and watched the stars until dark thirty. We had a great time. It wasn't until we went to leave that Bobby realized that the music we'd been listening to for hours had drained the battery on his truck. He said that we had one chance to start the truck and that I better push while he tried to pop the clutch on the truck. Thankfully Bobby had parked on a bit of a hill, so it was no big deal to get the truck started again. Long story short, one thing led to another and here I lay tonight in a hospital bed waiting for the birth of our babies. Who would've guessed...

Friday, August 14, 2009

40 Days and 40 Nights

Yes, it's been that long now since I've been in the hospital. Hard to believe on the one hand but on the permanently purple cheekies don't lie - it's been especially hard on them. :o)

This is Lia, Bobby's daughter-in-law - she's been my salvation while I've been laying in the hospital. If it weren't for her, I just don't know what I would have done. She took Val last weekend and helped her get all of her school shopping done. She found the most adorable clothes and Val loved every minute of it. Today she took Val to get her hair done in Santaquin and then brought her back here to the hospital. She's amazing and I love her.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Power of Prayer

Bobby and Val brought me these lovely roses.
You know, I can't hardly believe that I've made it this far and that everything is going so well for the babies. It gets me thinking about how incredibly blessed I am; blessed to have a wonderful, loving family; blessed to have extremely supportive and helpful neighbors and friends; blessed to have the best ob/gyn any one could have; and blessed to be able to have these two beautiful girls. I recognize that things are going as well as they are because of everyone's prayers for Bobby and I and the girls. I want all of you to know that it means everything to me to have so much support and love.
I have had many visitors since I last mentioned them - namely: Susan and Gary (Bobby's sister and brother-in-law), they brought me beautiful flowers and a lovely white blanket for the girls; Candace, Tim and the kids, they brought me delicious candy and a fun magazine and helped me to understand what it will be like to have these babies born premature; Tami from across the street - I'd never formally met her before but she had heard that I was here and came and brought me lovely flowers - we had a fantastic visit - what a sweet, sweet sister; Valerie from down the street came and brought me encouragement and books and kara mint chocolates (I've finished one of them so far and thoroughly enjoyed it); Bishop and Sister Kline (from my ward in Florida when I was growing up and now my ward in Payson - small world, I know) came one night and we caught up on old times (that was a riot) and then they came again and brought Bishop and Sister Bushman and I received a blessing from Bishop Kline and Bishop Bushman - what an experience!; Jer, Clysti and the kids stopped by again one night with Wendy's - I really needed that (the food here is okay but sometimes you need a break!); Lupe and her mother from across the street came and brought me flowers and an adorable "It's a Girl" balloon; Susan from work and her family, Jim and Aubrey, came to see me and we laughed and laughed; Julene from work came yesterday and brought me lunch from Magleby's Fresh - delicious!; and, of course, my darling Mom and sisters come and see me regularly (pretty much daily). Bobby has been doing my laundry for me and everything else around the house, including taking care of Val and getting the girls' room ready for when the baby comes home. I'm definitely blessed.
Finally, I neglected to send this birthday wish yesterday for my cutie nephew Seth.
Happy 4th Birthday !!
Aunt Catherine loves you very much!!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

A Midsummer's Night

Last night my lil sis, Gonzo, took me on a wheelchair adventure to see the meteor shower. It was really fun. She came to get me at a quarter to 1 a.m. We got all kinds of weird looks from the security guys outside the elevator and riding around in their little golf carts. It was pretty darn funny. You could tell they were thinking, "what the he** are they doing?"
I saw a couple of little meteors streaking across the sky right away but it wasn't until we went to leave that I saw a super big meteor. It was awesome. Gonzo didn't see the one I saw because she was preoccupied with trying to push me in the wheelchair. I think she saw some good ones on her own though.
I asked the doctor about pushing the September 3rd date to the next week and he flat out said no, that we'd get the results we want with having them on the 3rd. So, there you have it. We're delivering these babes on the 3rd. In the meantime, I'm still on continuous monitoring and loving every minute of it... :o)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Hold the press!

Bobby would like us to wait another week on the delivery of the babies. He says that the perinatologist was fine with it, so we should wait. I agree with him that I'd rather have the babies stay inside than out if it means less time for them in the NICU. Now I have to convince my doctor who I'll see tomorrow.
Btw, I neglected to mention that I've missed a few birthdays other than Oli's while I've been in the hospital. So, here's a BIG old Happy Birthday to:
Cambree and Colin on July 31st - Happy 6th!!
Chlo-Bug, just yesterday - Happy 7th!!

Finally - some BIG news

My doctor and I just set the babies' birth date!!!
I had an appointment yesterday with the perinatologist to measure the babies and see how they're doing. I braced myself for the worst - hoping for the best. The best happened! Danielle is now weighing in at 3 lbs. 5 oz. and Alexandra is 3 lbs. 10 oz. (+/- a few ounces, of course). When Dr. Townsen was done looking the babies over she said that she'd see me back in four weeks. I was like, "WHAT?" and she was like, "it's way to soon to have these babies. They're growing well and their heart tracings look good." So there you have it - the perinatologist thinks there's nothing wrong with going another four weeks! When my doctor came in today, he said, "How about setting a date?" I was like, "OK - let's do it." He said that his regular surgery day is Thursday and that he'd like to have the babies during the week so that every one we need to be there will for sure be there (specialists and such). He said, "you'll be 34 weeks on September 4th, a Friday, so how about scheduling the babies to be delivered on September 3rd?" I said, "that sounds PERFECT!" 9/3/9 - I like it. I like it a lot.

Thursday, July 30, 2009


I neglected to mention earlier that it is O's 8th birthday today!! I took this picture in April 2008 at Hogle Zoo. She's a super photogenic girl and I love her to pieces!! Happy Birthday Oli!!!!!!

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FHR Tracing Category I

This is one of the images from the MRI I got at University Hospital on June 10th; Danielle's on the left and Alexandra is stretched out luxuriously on the right. So I'm plugged into these monitors day and night and I find myself watching them a good portion of the time - making sure that the babies are both on good and watching to see what their little heartbeats are doing. Sometimes it's eventful and one of their heartbeats will really soar for a while; other times it's uneventful and their heartbeats go along within their normal range of about 120 -150 beats per minute. We haven't had anything dramatic happen with their heartbeats since that first week. The only drama now is whether or not the babies are Fetal Heart Rate (FHR) Category I or II. I want them to be in Category I because that's really good/normal. Category II means that there are some concerns and that we better keep watching them closely. For the past few days (since Friday), the babies have been mostly in Category I. Talk about reassuring. Not only that, but they've stayed on the monitors really well (for the most part) in about the same spots. My doctor was just telling me that in third world countries, the best predictor of a healthy baby is movement. Therefore, if I were in a third world country.... yeah, I don't know exactly where he was going with that either except for the fact that the babies are moving a lot and, apparently, that's great. Valarie's been staying with me at the hospital for the past week and a half (except for a little bit of time on the 24th). My nurse, Tammy, from my ward in Payson took her home last night after her shift. It's been fun to have her here but I'm glad that she's home. Bobby and Val have a lot to do to get her bedroom ready to be the "girls' room."

Friday, July 24, 2009

28 WEEKS on Pioneer Day

The girls and I have made it to 28 weeks!
I asked my doctor the other day how long he thought I'd be able to keep these beebies in the oven. He said that if I would have asked him that the first week I was here, he would have said maybe another day; now, though, with how good the babies have done since that first week, he thinks we'll make it to 32 weeks!! at least! He doesn't want to go much beyond 32 weeks because he doesn't feel it buys us much - he also said it's up to the other doctors too (like the perinatologists and the neonatologists). He said that we'll probably have an extended stay in the NICU anyway - because of premature issues...
I forgot to mention that my fantastic brother Dave sent me an awesome book about a week and a half ago. I'm such a looloo. Thanks DAVE!! It's a way cool book. I'll have to let you know when I'm done. Also, it was his little girl's birthday yesterday; HAPPY BIRTHDAY KATIE!! Aunt Catherine loves you!

Little Katie last year when they came out to visit us in Provo

The babies are kicking my arm as I straddle my left arm across my belly to type. It's cute. I guess they want to be a part of it too.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Keep it boring

This picture says it all - that's how I feel...We took Tripp with us down to Utah Lake and had to tie him up to the Jeep so he wouldn't run off all of the time and get into trouble. Now, I'm Tripp. The doctor says to keep it boring, no excitement. I have had excitement though: Kim sent me a package that arrived last Tuesday but didn't make it to my room until today. It was a couple of adorable little outfits for the babies. She's a sweetheart. Tino and her kids made me the most adorable cards. They arrived in the mail today - my brother-in-law's 34th birthday. I love them and they meant the world to me. Thanks again Tine and Melanie and Joshua and Seth!! Lia, Brad, Chloe and Evan came by to visit me yesterday. Evan brought me some of his birthday cake from Saturday. It was wonderful to see them and visit with them. Evan kept asking how I got a baby in me. It was the best. Cass and Holland surprised me with a visit today. Cass brought in Holland's blessing gown to show me - it was gorgeous. Holland was adorable and kept asking me why the babies haven't come out yet. On Saturday, I turned into Mr. Hyde because of the incredible heat in the room I was occupying - it faced West/NorthWest. Understand, of course, that the room was beautiful. I'm not complaining about that at all. It's just that it was never below 80 degrees the whole time I was in there. So, long story short, I'm in a new room now, 501 - it faces north and has a lovely view of Mt. Timp. I like the sound of that number. It sounds cool and it is cool! I even need a blanket on my bed at night! The babies are really active. So far, no real worries though - just enough worry to keep me hooked up non-stop. Whatever it takes, though, you know?
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Friday, July 17, 2009

27 Weeks

Alexandra is Baby B and Danielle is Baby A in this ultrasound image.
Today marks 27 weeks pregnant!
Everything's gone well for the past couple of days - I've just been really tired.
On Tuesday, Heather from Angel Watch came to see me. She's super sweet. Bryan from work came after her and we got to talk about work for a while. :o) My sisters and Mom tried to have a pizza and movie night on Tuesday but it didn't work out.... On Wednesday, Bobby and Val came over - and brought beautiful roses and a couple of books to read that they chose for me. Jer, Clysti, Deionne, Olivia and Cael visited with me. They brought me a Clive Cussler book - I love that guy. Btw, it's Jer & Clysti's 10th anniversary today; Happy Anniversary!! Gonzo came over and spent most of the day with me yesterday. Lynne from work came over too. That was a nice surprise as I totally didn't expect to see her. It was fun to visit with her. Valarie came later in the day with my Mom and Bay. Mom brought me some Ben and Jerry's Chunky Monkey!! It was delicious. Val stayed with me last night - it was fun. I'm not sure when she went to sleep but it was after midnight. She was playing a game that she loves on the computer. She has now mastered the wheelchair and the building of forts with a roll-away bed and the recliner. Alexandra has the hiccups right now. It's super cute. By the way, on Monday, during the perinatology exam, Danielle gave us the 'hang loose' sign. It was adorable and comforting. She and her sister are having a lot of fun right now moving all around inside me and playing together. This morning their heads were right next to each other - like most times when I see them - I think they must be discussing things, you know, twin things. :o)

Monday, July 13, 2009

I'm a lucky girl

WOW - I've got a lot of thanks to give today!!
Kim Jones - my aforementioned bff - wrote a wonderful note last night calling for prayers for the girls and I. There's no words to express how much she means and has meant to me through the years. I'll just say that I don't know what I'd do without her. Love you Kim!!
Marla Raff stopped by again and gave me a wonderful book. She's a true sweetheart for caring as much as she does. Thank you Marla!
Brit - my aforementioned best neighbor ever - came by and delivered the most beautiful blankets for Alexandra and Danielle. Val has my camera so I'll have to post a picture of them later. She also brought me the most delicious shake, that's right folks, Arctic Circle's Nutter Butter shake. It was perfect! Slightly melted and totally what I needed. And that's not all, that's right, there's more. Remember my mention about Reese's? I'm currently stocked! Not only that, but she brought me my other guilty pleasure, Sudoku puzzles!! What a gem she is!! She's definitely got my vote for one of the greatest friends ever. Thanks Britney!
It was so much fun to see Marla and Britney today. You'd think that would be enough, but, no, I got another visitor, my little baby sister, Gonzo. As many of you know, I love to laugh. I've got to tell you though, not many people can make me laugh as much as Gonzo does. It's really funny when I laugh too because I'm a belly laugher and, with the monitor on the babies 24x7, the monitors make my laugh sound like a really large helium balloon rubbing on the carpet or similar (Britney was here and also made me laugh - she can tell you what it sounded like). It tends to make me laugh even more. Good times.
By the way, great news on the babies from the perinatologist today. Alexandra is weighing in at a healthy 2 lbs. 1 oz. and Danielle is at 2 lbs. 3 oz. Isn't that wonderful?
I'm just lucky - :o)

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Two of my favorite things: Friends and Sleep

Yesterday, my old friend Suzi came by for a visit. We haven't seen each other for 10+ years. She is as funny and beautiful as ever. I am so grateful for having such a wonderful friend as her.

We had a lovely visit. She even brought me some delicious suckers from Sundance. Did I mention that she's a terrific friend?

The girls are proving difficult to monitor. They like to hide for long periods of time and make the nurses and I sweat it out. The nurses often have to bring in an ultrasound machine to try and locate the two of them. I think they just have way too much room to play.

The doctor came this morning and said that the girls are looking the best he's seen them! I'm 26+1 weeks today. I need to make it to 34. Here's hoping the girls aren't too anxious to make their debut.

I'm crocheting away - the best I know how. It's fun to accomplish something.

My Mom and two of my sisters, Bay and Gonzo, took me on a wild wheelchair ride last night. It was fun to get out, even if it was only for half an hour. Thank goodness for them and their daily visits.

Craving: One thing I love is Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. I love them to a fault. If I had a bag of those, I don't think I'd ever be able to remove my bum from this hospital bed. It would become permanently fused!

The past two nights, I've been able to get the best sleep I've had so far at the hospital. It's been luxurious to totally fall asleep and not even remember when I went out. Morning always comes early (between 4 and 6) but sometimes I catch a few more winks after I wake up. I've got a really pretty view of the west in my room. In the morning, birds like to perch themselves on the tops of the tree across the road from the hospital. I think they're adorable and I love to watch them.

Friday, July 10, 2009

No news is good news

Today has been uneventful!!
The babies are behaving and they've taken the IV out of my hand (YAY - I can use my left hand again!). I was super tired last night and missed Bobby's phone call at 10:30. Bobby and Val have gone camping for a few days. Valarie has the camera and is in charge of bringing me back beautiful pictures like the one above which she took the other day in our yard (I know, run-on sentence; I'm the Queen of run-on sentences).
They called this morning and told me about the lovely campsite they were able to get. Yes, I'm jealous. I'm so glad that they are taking advantage of the summer and having some fun together.
You know, I was thinking of what I thought would be fun today and, imagine my surprise when I realized that I missed these three.
How fun it would be to see these guys and pet them. Alas, it cannot be.
Here's Lefty
This is especially ironic coming from me as Jaxton had been driving me nuts with near non-stop barking during the nights while I was still home. This is his gangstah look.
And here's Tripp - always photogenic and ever the real life stuffed animal.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

To blog or not to blog - that was the question

I have struggled with whether or not I should start a blog. I thought of the positives and I thought of the negatives and in the end, the positives weighed out.
Here's part of the reason why: I've got a lot on my mind and I want you, you wonderful reader, to have to suffer through it. I guess it doesn't hurt that I'm currently glued to a hospital bed either.
The love of my life has come and visited with me every day.
On the second day, he brought me beautiful flowers and arranged them himself.
I tried to thank him for bringing me flowers, telling him how sweet he is to me and he simply replied that I was the one who was sweet to him. Ahhhhh :o)
My gorgeous mother has also been here every single day to check on me and keep me in good spirits.
She brought me these lovely lilies.
And where or where would I be without my adorable 11-year old, Valarie.
She stayed with me Tuesday night and almost all of Wednesday - poor thing. I'm pretty sure I drove her a little batty. She puts up with a lot from me, just ask her.
Bethany and Emily have been here too - I just didn't get cutey pictures of them to show here...yet!
Last night, I nearly had to have an emergency c-section. My doctor was called in and arrived shortly after midnight. Thankfully, however, prayers were answered and Danielle and Alexandra are doing just fine today.
Special thanks to Britney who encouraged me to write; Kim, my bff, who I love more than I can say; Marla Raff for coming by because she's wonderful; Tino for being there for me in the middle of the night last night; all of you who I know have been praying for the girls and I - if it weren't for you, I just don't know what I'd do.