Thursday, August 16, 2012

10 years since that fateful day

10 years, can it be? Oh yes, it can. Man, a lot has gone down in those years. What a ride! Bobby and I out on the four-wheeler, losing his hat and his checkbook, and enjoying the west desert sunset and stars. I know I was never the same again. I'm pretty sure I've had that effect on him as well.

Tomorrow is our six month wedding anniversary. Times a-flyin' by. I was going to get so much done and accomplish way more than I have. Ah well, I'm not dead yet!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

I've picked up the plow - here's to not looking back!

A couple of months ago, I walked into the gym with my 44 oz. container in hand, ready to dump (or, let's be honest, quickly finish) my diet soda and fill it with water for my work out. My personal trainer, Dom, was standing there and asked, completely flabbergasted, "Is that soda?" I ashamedly admitted that yes, it was. He said, "you know that steals the calcium from your bones, right?" I replied that no, I did not know that. Maybe the truth is that I had an idea that it did but had never been told in such plain language. Previous to this time, I had been known to drink two and sometimes three of these monster 44 ouncers a day. Not only full of the bone killing carbonation but also full of caffeine and diet yuck stuff. I am confident that I was not doing myself any favors. I am indebted to Dom for boldly calling me to repentance. 

I have recently begun reading The Miracle of Forgiveness by Spencer W. Kimball. Wowwie!! Why did I wait so long to read this book??? It is fabulous and I have not a shred of pride left in me - well, unfortunately, there probably still is some. I've been particularly hard to live with, I think, because of how hard I am judging myself and judging others. I hope that you can forgive me for all that I've done wrong in my life. I'm not perfect at all. I want everyone to be able to feel the love of our Savior. I love you too.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

At all times, in all things and in all places

our beautiful bleeding heart in our back yard
Mother Nature's Bleeding Heart
No small task, let me tell you. As a mother, wife, daughter, sister, neighbor, friend, employee and customer, I find it rather difficult to always remember to stand as a witness of Christ at all times, in all things and in all places. I lose my temper on a regular basis. I have little mercy to give when it comes to people I don't understand. I try to be good but find myself wanting, always. And, in the midst of all of these inadequacies, I find myself surrounded by people and things who remind me to try harder, not to give up and to keep going. Wassup with that? oooooeeee Wassup with that? Was SUP with that? (SNL reference)