Thursday, September 10, 2009

Pray for Danielle

This is a picture that the nurses in the NICU took of the babies - Danielle on the right, Alexandra on the left. The girls are seven days old today!
Danielle needs everyone to pray for her so that she can feel the peace she needs to be able to let go and go home to Heavenly Father. Thanks to everyone who has been praying for us. I love you all very much.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Not long now

Today's the day, my loves.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Baby Shower

Bobby's daughters and daughter-in-laws and Becky came over last night and threw me a baby shower. It was a blast. They were too kind and way too generous. I had the girls bet on how much the babies will weigh. I'm hoping for five pounders myself - we'll see who is closest. Feel free to place your bets before it's too late. It's just 20 hours away now (they're supposed to be taking me in at 9:30 tomorrow morning)!! Unbelievable that it's so close finally.
Valarie hopes for a couple of blonde/blue eyed sisters. Bobby assures me that the babies will have hair and that they'll have blue eyes (Valarie was a baldy). Soon we'll know!!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Time on my hands

I have now completed blankets for all three of my girls! Danielle's is pink with green and Alexandra's is green with pink. Valarie's is also green with pink but a lot bigger. I have also made several little hats for the babies - thanks to Dr. Anderson's sweet wife for showing me how.
Yesterday was the last day I had with Tammy. Tammy has been there for me since my first day in the hospital - eight weeks ago. She has helped me keep my sanity more than any other nurse. The days Tammy took care of me were my funnest days. I will miss her! But not too much because her son Parker is Val's age and goes to the same school; so I'll still get to see her.
Roshannah came to visit me today! What a fun surprise!! And she brought me Reese's PB cups! Wooo-hooo!! I needed me some more of them. :o)