Monday, July 13, 2009

I'm a lucky girl

WOW - I've got a lot of thanks to give today!!
Kim Jones - my aforementioned bff - wrote a wonderful note last night calling for prayers for the girls and I. There's no words to express how much she means and has meant to me through the years. I'll just say that I don't know what I'd do without her. Love you Kim!!
Marla Raff stopped by again and gave me a wonderful book. She's a true sweetheart for caring as much as she does. Thank you Marla!
Brit - my aforementioned best neighbor ever - came by and delivered the most beautiful blankets for Alexandra and Danielle. Val has my camera so I'll have to post a picture of them later. She also brought me the most delicious shake, that's right folks, Arctic Circle's Nutter Butter shake. It was perfect! Slightly melted and totally what I needed. And that's not all, that's right, there's more. Remember my mention about Reese's? I'm currently stocked! Not only that, but she brought me my other guilty pleasure, Sudoku puzzles!! What a gem she is!! She's definitely got my vote for one of the greatest friends ever. Thanks Britney!
It was so much fun to see Marla and Britney today. You'd think that would be enough, but, no, I got another visitor, my little baby sister, Gonzo. As many of you know, I love to laugh. I've got to tell you though, not many people can make me laugh as much as Gonzo does. It's really funny when I laugh too because I'm a belly laugher and, with the monitor on the babies 24x7, the monitors make my laugh sound like a really large helium balloon rubbing on the carpet or similar (Britney was here and also made me laugh - she can tell you what it sounded like). It tends to make me laugh even more. Good times.
By the way, great news on the babies from the perinatologist today. Alexandra is weighing in at a healthy 2 lbs. 1 oz. and Danielle is at 2 lbs. 3 oz. Isn't that wonderful?
I'm just lucky - :o)


  1. I'm so glad you are being so well taken care of--wish I could be with you too!

  2. Catherine you are such a lovely person. I have always liked you. You are in our prayers. Tell your mom hello. Love, Kathy

  3. You're too sweet, but everyone already knows that. I'm glad you had a good day. Val came over and gave me a big hug, and showed me her cute bracelets she made while camping. I'm going to make her teach Amelia how to make them. We saw Bob babying his lawn, it's growing too, just like your girls!
